Setting the Table

The educational sheet corresponds to the video ”Setting the Table”. It presents to the children exercises for identifying the objects used for eating, exercises for matching the object with the type of food, vocabulary exercises, putting objects in the order they are used when setting the table, drawing, writing and cutting pictures to set a table.

How to sew a button

Educational sheet corresponds with the “Sew a Button” movie. The sheet contains items that aim to reveal if the children, after seeing the movie, succeed in solving the following tasks: identify the materials needed to sew a button and the stages in sewing a button,make the correspondence between pictures, make the correspondence between images and the words, draw a certain number of objects, make a puzzle 

Shoelace Tying

The educational sheet corresponds to the video “Shoelace tying”. It contains exercises such as: circle the shoes that have shoelaces, match the shoes that are the same, find the pair, sort the shoes by weather and a maze to help the shoe find his shoelace

Folding Clothes

The educational sheet corresponds to the video ”Folding clothes”. It contains exercises for identifying the clothes, sorting the clothes by gender, weather, category, matching the images, vocabulary exercises - match the image with the correct word, word search.


😀 Emotions

How do we feel? How can we express and control these emotions that upset us? Discover the answers to these questions through educational videos, manual activities and mini-games.

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This project n° 2017-1-FR01-KA201-037433 has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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